kalodin sarv ep

Kalodin ,Symphonic Black Metal Band released their latest EP  “Sarv ”  on 12th May, at the premises of Trisara Garden of Heaven,Lazimpat. Here are the photos from the gig taken by ktmrocks. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150995322083646.476925.66801603645&type=1 Details of Sarv.Continue Reading

Metal Mayhem II nepali underground gig

Defenders’ of Metal is organizing  an exclusive heavy metal show in Kathmandu on coming friday. Kalodin will be featuring as the headliners for this concert.Besides Kalodin , Gothica and Unholy Sickdom will be there to bang hang with metal head nepal.This is the first gig sharing same stage by KalodinContinue Reading