Death Feast I

Event : Death Feast I Bands: Binaash (Ramailo Death Metal) Ugrakarma-(USA/Nepal) SOUL ANNIHILATION – USA Waak Thuu (Deathgrind) 11[Band] (Slam Death Metal) The Exorcist (Brutal Death Metal) Fall (Porn Deathgrind) Nakinjhyaa (Technical Death Metal ) Suffocate The Unborn (Death Metal)   Photo Credit: Umes Shrestha (ktmROCKS)Continue Reading

binaash album release gig

Kathmandu based Death metal or “Ramailo Death Metal” Binaash has released their debut album “Binaashkari” via their own album release gig on August 18. The band performed their new songs included on their latest album. Some of the videos from Binaashkari album release gig has been uploaded to youtube andContinue Reading

Binaash-Band-Album-Binaashkaari Art Work

Binaash Band ‘Debut Album ” Binaashkaari is finished and band is preparing for launching gig. This first New album of Binaash will be releasing official by  “Binaashkaari” CD Launch Gig event. Watch some videos of Binaash Band Live in Metal Mayhem IV. They will be touring Pokhara as well forContinue Reading