Counted as one of the talented drummer from the scene Jay Ram has served as drummer for bands such as Binaash, Terrifyer, Wakk Thuu, Fall etc. just to name few. In short span of time Jay Ram has made himself know for brutal blast beats & speed. Here is a short interview with him by NU.
1. Greeting, First of all let’s start this session with your introduction so that those who don’t know you get change to know you better.
Hello everyone, my Name is JAY RAM KARKI. I like to play drums, though drum was not the first instrument I picked up. I played for various metal, rock bands . I am also a session recording drummer. I started to play drums when I was 17 years .
2. How did you got into drumming? How did learn drumming, self-taught or learned from formal teacher?
Drum was not the first instrument I picked up. I can play guitar, bass, keyboard and drums. But I founded drums to be something very extraordinary and I got stuck in drums. For the first time I got myself admitted in proper music school to learn drums then things didn’t went the way I wanted it to go. I had to struggle a lot than any other drummers I am a self taught as well and I also did my drumming from a formal teacher.
3. Are there any bands or drummers you would like mention as an inspiration?
There are lot of bands and lots of drummers i like .everyone is doing great in their own place. My favorites are Marco Minneman, JoJo mayer, Aeon Spears, Virgil Donati etc.
4. As we have heard you have a tight practice schedule, can you put your practice routine?
Well, I had a tight schedule for the practice. Usually you can find me carrying stick early in the morning and start practicing. To be honest I don’t do practice these days like I used to do because of drum classes, self-practice and band practice, but I am playing drums most of the time whenever I am free.
5. You were in high profile bands like Binaash, Wakk Thuu and lots of other bands but suddenly you took a break, any particular reason for that.
I don’t have any reason why I left the band .i could have continued and things would have been going good.. but somewhere in some part i felt i was missing something was making me feel my drumming incomplete. So I took a long break, practiced and practiced and practiced – nothing much
6. Now you are working on your new band, can you put little bit of update on that.
I am working with my new project we are doing great trying to experiment things out here, so this would be much more like experimenting. Everybody in this project seems to be happy with what we are doing.
7. You are part of upcoming “Extreme Metal Drumming Workshop”, is it possible to put some detail about this event and subject matters you will be covering in this workshop.
Yes I am trying to do this workshop..things are going good.. I am touring with these two talented drummer ZAN PETROVIC and TOMASZ PILASIEWICZ.. we are trying to do tour in six cities of NEPAL. Will post much more about it soon.
8. Besides drum what other instruments are of your interest or looking forward to play that instrument.
Beside drum if I had to pick up I would pick up bass. But I really don’t know what would I pick up .but I can play guitar,bass,keys properly.
9. Any suggestions you would like to offer to new drummers and those who want to learn drums?
Hey upcoming drummers what’s up? You guys have time. Do whatever you are doing ..just don’t be in a hurry !!
10. Anything you like to put up before we wrap this interview.
umm. I don’t have much to say ..thanks everyone who’s been supporting me all the time. I teach drums at KJC(KATHMANDU JAZZ CONSERVATORY) and ROCKALAYA INSTITUTE OF MUSIC. If you want to learn with me you can come around these schools, and keep playing drums
Thanks for you time, Jay Ram.
– NU